Drive the Conversation with Great Questions

Stop making small talk by chit chatting about the food and the weather.

It’s not that these topics don’t make for pleasant conversation…there’re just not strategic.

If you are attending a networking event to build relationships, it is wise to go about it strategically.

Assess who you want to meet and why?

Figure out what you want to talk to them about and prepare your questions.

If you're thinking, "Questions? Don’t I want to tell them all about me and my business? I know I can help them!"

Stop right there!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret...

the key to get anyone to engage in meaningful conversation...

the code to uncovering anybody’s favorite topic to talk about…

Are you ready for it?

Ask them meaningful questions about...themselves.

That’s right.

We all love to talk about ourselves. We want to be known and understood.

Yes, even the big Fortune 500 CEO’s.

Showing genuine interest in others enables you to ask better questions.

Asking better questions leads to more intriguing answers.

Hearing intriguing answers leads to increased engagement.

And increased engagement enables strategic listening.

Don’t aim to hear and reply. Aim to listen and engage.

Have an ear for fostering mutually beneficial connections.

What are your favorite questions to ask at a networking event? Which questions do you most like to be asked?

A New Lesson in an Old Story

race linkedin We learned this lesson in grade school. Slow and steady wins the race. The hare, a warning against procrastination and arrogance. The tortoise, a calling toward diligence and focus.  There is more to the story. Suppose the hare was able to run fast enough and hard enough in the final moments of the race to tie with the tortoise.  The question is:

Which was better able to enjoy the journey to their destination?

Too often we push ourselves beyond our limits as we rush to get to the finish line. We so thoroughly exhaust ourselves along the way that we are unable to enjoy our victory lap.  If we could learn to pace ourselves we could break the cycle of rush, recuperate, rush, recuperate. We waste a lot of energy, a lot of time, and decrease the efficiency and quality of our lives.

What areas in your life are you missing out on because you haven’t given yourself enough time to enjoy the journey?  Whether you want enjoy the sunset years of your professional career or simply enjoy the sunset each day, it’s time to transform your racing into pacing.


Feel Out Your Employees

happy employees linkedin "I've learned that people will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

Your employees are the most important element of your business.

How is your leadership making them feel?

Are they aware that they are appreciated? Do they know that you are invested in their growth? Do they feel like they are part of a team?

Or…do they feel replaceable?

These questions matter more than ever.

Long gone are the days when people entered the workforce with plans of remaining loyal to one employer for their entire career.

High turnover is a real issue that plagues most workplaces.

It can be a  huge drain on the budget and the culture of your company.

That being said, worrying only about the bottom line, is a thin line to walk.

Your employees don't just show up for a paycheck.

They crave to be valued…to be an integral part of a community.

Above and beyond their salaries, you need to pay them authentic attention if you want to keep them engaged and motivated.

What is one way you can pay attention to your employees today?