The Logic Behind the Logo

Every owner will exit his or her business one day.

So how do you exit on your terms?

Prepare your leadership team,  and build your legacy  into the core values of the company culture.

Create value in your business.

When that is done well, you can confidently pass the torch knowing the next in line has the skills and strengths needed to take over.

The Leadership and Legacy is built on this belief.

In fact, that is what the birds in our logo signify:

Their organizational structure is elegant, efficient, sustainable, and inspiring.

In flying together in formation, they  leverage the currents of their collective hard work …and enjoy  the journey without having to exert so much energy that they end up missing the majestic view. They follow solid leadership and have the most iron-clad succession plan I have ever seen!

Their example is a true masterpiece in which strategic leadership paints an unforgettable legacy across the sky.

How are your core values reflected in your business brand?

Throw Away Your Head Trash

Head Trash: The garbage pile of false truths and negative beliefs we let hang around in our brains so long that they start stinkin’ up the joint.

When did we become such hoarders?

Some of this head trash is just a nuisance insecurity like, “I have two left feet” or  “I’m not going to try THAT”

Some of it can be debilitating, yet we hold on to it for dear life. Phrases starting with “I can’t…” alert you of something that is “MISSING” or something that is FLAWED beyond repair and yet we find these statements to be fundamental to who we are. They gnaw at us day after day holding us back from reaching our potential, or even just feeling good about making it through the day.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: The only thing that is MISSING or FLAWED is the head trash itself. Banish that and you begin to really live the life you are meant to live. Banish that and you not only make it through each day with flying colors, you actually begin to see what your true potential really is.

And that’s not head trash!

What self-limiting belief do you need to dispute to go on and live your best life?

Tip# 66: How’s the Balance in Your Emotional Bank Account?

The best way to use 128 Tips to Make You a More Effective Leader is to treat  each page like a bite-sized break in your day.

Sixty seconds is all it takes to make changes that matter.

Today, your bite-sized break comes in the form of Tip # 66: How’s the Balance in Your Emotional Bank Account

"I’ve always enjoyed Stephen Covey’s concept of the emotional bank account. For each person you know, you make deposits in the account by sharing kindnesses and keeping your commitments. You take withdrawals by being disrespectful, discourteous or untrustworthy. How are the account balances in the accounts that matter most to you?

Take some time today to make a few deposits in the accounts you care most about.”

Our actions affect the account balances others have for us… AND our actions affect the balances we maintain in our personal accounts too.

I like to think of it like this: all of us have a joint account with Karma, or good deeds or whatever word characterizes that concept best for you.

  • When our positive actions make deposits in the emotional bank accounts of those around us, Karma pays dividends. (And --it just feels good!)
  • When our negative actions make withdrawals from the emotional bank accounts of those around us, Karma charges income tax. (and that usually feels bad – maybe not right away, but eventually)

Here’s the tricky part -- although we do our part to make deposits:

Making deposits for the sole purpose of soliciting your Karmic return….? Risky!

Counting on your Karmic return to be punctual? Also risky.

So why deposit? Because we all need kindnesses and we all need people we can count upon to keep their commitments. Whether you believe in Karma or not, deposits enhance our lives and the lives of those around us.

Make your deposit today.